Thursday, September 5, 2013

Most Necessary Need For Patient

Medical Tourism Expands At The Global Level Through Hospitals In UAE

The healthcare market in India was estimated at US$35 billion in 2007 and is expected to reach over US$70 billion by 2012 and US$145 billion by 2017. The Indian healthcare industry is seen to be growing at a rapid pace of 12 percent per annum in the last 4 years and is expected to become a US$280 billion industry by 2020. Rising income levels and geriatric population are all driving this growth. In addition, changing demographics, disease profiles and the shift from chronic to lifestyle diseases in the country has led to increased spending on healthcare delivery.

According to an ICRA industry report on Healthcare, India invested 5.1 % of its GDP on health in 2001. The health market is estimated at $30 billion and includes retail pharmaceutical, healthcare services, medical and diagnostic equipment and supplies. The private sector dominated in the health care market and this increased participation by the private sector in healthcare services is stimulating change in the Indian healthcare industry. Government of India has endorsed tariff and non-tariff measures that have further stimulated health care market development by allowing more hospitals to offer critical care services. These investments are expected to lowered health care cost for patients suffering from life threatening diseases.

However, with so many currently in the industry in a holding pattern or a wait and see mode, recruiting and hiring is slowing down to a snail's pace. Personally, Obama Care has cost me tens of thousands of dollars in lost business. I talk to medical professionals daily. They are concerned and many are plain scared. As a recruiter, it is increasingly difficult to convince a prospective job candidate to leave their current job for a new one. While they may be unhappy in their current job, most I talk to are afraid to take the risk of a career move in this uncertain environment.

According to the WHO, health technology refers to the application of organized knowledge and skills in the form of devices, medicines, vaccines, procedures and systems developed to solve a health problem and improve quality of lives. Advancing health technologies increases the health care costs. Health is a major financial problem and a serious issue the world over. Investment in health technology is essential for long term financial stability and to improve efficiency, support consistent delivery of quality health care and to avoid high-cost inpatient settings. Over 85 percent of consumers are purchasing their plans on the Web," said Starc, who notes federal officials used the Massachusetts site as a template.

For a variety of reasons, including having hundreds of millions of dollars in negative ads run against the law, the administration has had a hard time communicating the law’s benefits and knocking down the false attacks,” said Democratic strategist Stephanie Cutter, who was deeply involved in the health reform effort when she was an adviser to President Barack Obama. The venue is Bill Clinton’s home turf — his native Arkansas — and speaking in one of the poorest states in the nation could help him to highlight what the White House sees as the benefits of the bill.

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