Friday, September 6, 2013

Pros And Cons Of Health Care Reform

Subsidies will kick in when consumers with qualifying incomes choose a silver plan or higher. A recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation estimated most families should get a tax credit of about $5,548. The prices of Utah’s plans are expected to be released by mid-September. An initial analysis from the state insurance department shows, however, that on the low end, the offered silver plans will cost $162 a month for a 27-year-old living in Salt Lake County. For a family with 40-something parents of three or more children under age 21, monthly costs could range from $623 to $978.

Health care is one of the most important components in your life. Disease or illness can really mean a down turn in your life. The biggest asset we can have in life therefore is health Health care is normally defined as the management or treatment of any health problem through the services that might be offered by medical , nursing, dental or any other related service. When you talk about the care of health , you are talking of all goods and services that are produced to improve on your health They may be curative, preventative or even palliative solutions.

Those with long-term illnesses are more often than not cared for at home these days because they can only be made comfortable and do not need surgery. A wide range of home health care professionals may visit them on a daily basis to make sure that there is no change in their condition and to administer ongoing care Such home health care professionals have often reported that being at home does more for a patient's mental state than a hospital could ever do. With these types of reports showing definite benefits to home health care , everyone should consider it as an option for recovery.

As they watch Obamacare shudder and smoke through the final countdown to its January liftoff, some of its advocates have discretely eased away from the launch pad to avoid political injury when the ramshackle contraption finally explodes. Yet the perversity of progressivism is such that, even now, most supporters of the law refuse to admit that the countdown should stop. Their primary justifications for this position are that no one has offered an alternative vehicle for reform and that, even with its flaws, Obamacare will effect a marked improvement in the dysfunctional health care system. Both claims are demonstrably false.

While those with no health coverage may think the coming changes will be a big improvement, I predict we will reach the point when the entire system comes crashing down in terms of quality and efficiency. The question I ask myself is simple. Did we miss a better opportunity to improve health care without tearing the country apart in the process? My hope is that we wake up and fix health care before we destroy it beyond repair. About the Author If marketplace plan offerings deliver the affordable options they promise — and her pain is manageable — King may wait until 2014 to have surgery on her right hip.


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